Olesya Krivtsova
Olesya Krivtsova
Date of incident: 26 December 2022
Types of violation: house arrest, expulsion
Institution: Northern (Arctic) University, Arkhangelsk

Summary: In December 2022, Russian authorities placed Olesya Kryvtsova, a student at Northern (Arctic) University, under house arrest after speaking out on social media against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Krivtsova was threatened with a term of up to seven years for discrediting the army and justifying terrorism. Olesya Krivtsova left the house arrest and left the country. She currently lives in Lithuania.

Source: telegram channel Freedom for Olesya Krivtsova

Details: On May 9, 2022, Olesya Krivtsova distributed anti-war leaflets, which led to her arrest and ten hours of police detention. Although the administrative case was closed, the criminal case was initiated in December 2022. On December 26, Olesya’s apartment was searched, she was detained, accused of discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and justifying terrorism. As a result, she was placed under house arrest with restrictions on certain activities, including the use of the Internet. Olesya was no longer able to attend classes at the university and was denied academic leave, which led to her expulsion. The trial is ongoing and the restraint measures remain in place, with house arrest extended until May 12. Despite this, on March 15, Olesya Krivtsova left home and left the country. The political prisoner support team of the former Memorial Center recognizes Olesya Krivtsova as a political prisoner.

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