Dissernet Science assessment

From high-ranking fakers today to Phystech’s shutdown tomorrow

Machine assist­ed translation

Why do we need an hon­est exam­i­na­tion of sci­ence in Russia today? And is it real­ly need­ed? Why has Russian soci­ety failed to demand for qual­i­ty edu­ca­tion in the human­i­ties and social sci­ences? And how does this affect the sit­u­a­tion in oth­er sci­en­tif­ic fields? Why do we need Dissernet in a coun­try where ratio­nal think­ing is sup­pressed? Professor Konstantin Sonin of the University of Chicago and Andrei Zayakin, co-founder of the vol­un­teer com­mu­ni­ty net­work Dissernet, dis­cuss this in the sec­ond episode of the pod­cast Invasion.

Author: Olga Orlova

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, ,   8.03.2023