Mikhail Lobanov
Mikhail Lobanov
Date of incident: July 7, 2023
Type of violation: dismissal
Institution: Moscow State University

Summary: On June 23, the Ministry of Justice recognized candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Mikhail Lobanov as a foreign agent, which technically prohibits him from teaching. Lobanov writes: “I saw a photo of the order dismissing me from the position of associate professor of mechanics and mathematics at Moscow State University. The order is dated July 7, issued and signed on behalf of the acting. Rector of Moscow State University by Vice-Rector Andrei Fedyanin.”

Details: Dismissal is justified by clause 10 of part 1 of article 77 and clause 13 of part 1 of article 83 of the Labor Code. The first paragraph refers to “circumstances beyond the control of the parties,” and the second to “restrictions on engaging in certain types of work.”
On July 8, Lobanov reported attempts by the management of Moscow State University, including rector Viktor Sadovnichy, to urgently dismiss him, despite the fact that he can remain in non-teaching positions at the university, having the status of a foreign agent. The rector suggested that Lobanov leave of his own free will in order to avoid dismissal. Lobanov refused this offer.

Source: RBC

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