Category: Everything’s complicated
Global Warming and Political Cold
The past year brought a series of weather anomalies: extreme heat and drought, high precipitation and flooding. This spring began with a heat wave in Spain. We asked climate experts Alexander Chernokulsky and Olga Dobrovidova about weather anomalies and asked them to assess the development of global warming as well as how Russia’s position on…
Elena Bunina: «I was saved by mathematics»
«I will not go back: I cannot work in a country that is at war with its neighbors,» Yelena Bunina, CEO of Russia’s Yandex, wrote to colleagues in early March 2022 and did not return to Russia from vacation. Today, Elena Bunina, a professor at Bar Ilan University talks about the losses and gains of…
The Wildlings are already here. Awaiting the White Walkers
Scientists were shocked by a talk at a theological conference by Alexander Kudryavtsev, director of the Institute of General Genetics, in which he actually renounced the science he was supposed to be engaged in. «I will give my vision of the world,» the speaker begins and utters a manifesto of religious fundamentalism that leads to…
Fear of the Stochastic Parrot
Why does it make no sense to stop training ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence models? Denis Tulinov, author of the telegram channel «Vagus nerve», discusses in his column for T-invariant.
Creating Russia outside of Russia
The coming down of the Iron Curtain makes it more difficult to understand what is happening in Russia, and there is a growing need for specialists in Russian studies in Europe. Historian Marek Příhoda spoke about the new Russian-language Master’s program at Charles University and the specifics of the Czech vision of Russia.
«In Russia the measure of a scientist’s influence is the measure of his guilt»
What happens to Russian Studies in the general field of social sciences and humanities after the start of the war? What is the measure of responsibility of social scientists for what happened? T-invariant spoke with Victor Vakhshtayn, professor at the Department of Social Sciences at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Shaninka).
«The strike is directed at a wrong target»
Breaking international ties with Russian scientists will lead to results directly opposite to those hoped for by Ukrainian scientists who called for such a boycott in their open letter, says Alexei Oskolski, a member of the Coordinating Council of T-invariant.
War and Language: The Russian Master’s Program in Prague
Charles University opens a Master’s program in Russian. Why it was in demand amidst the war, explains Zhanna Nemtsova, co-director of the Boris Nemtsov Academic Center at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University.
Öppet brev från ryska forskare och vetenskapsjournalister i protest mot kriget i Ukraina
Vi är ryska forskare och vetenskapsjournalister och vi protesterar med kraft mot den krigföring som vårt lands väpnade styrkor har inlett på Ukrainas territorium. Detta är ett ödesdigert steg som kommer att kräva en väldig mängd mänskliga offer och som angriper det etablerade internationella säkerhetssystemets grundvalar. Skulden för att ett nytt krig nu drabbar Europa…
La carta abierta de varios cientos científicos y periodistas científicos rusos
Nuestra decidida protesta contra las acciones militares lanzadas por las fuerzas armadas de nuestro país en el territorio de Ucrania. Este paso fatal conduce a una enorme pérdida de vidas y socava los cimientos del sistema existente de seguridad internacional. La responsabilidad de desatar una nueva guerra en Europa recae enteramente en Rusia.
Nous exigeons l’arrêt immédiat de tous les actes de guerre dirigés contre l’Ukraine
Nous, chercheurs et journalistes scientifiques russes, exprimons ici notre protestation énergique contre les actes de guerre lancés par les forces armées de notre pays sur le territoire de l’Ukraine. Cette décision fatale causera la mort d’un très grand nombre de gens. Elle sape les fondements du système de sécurité collective. La responsabilité du déclenchement de…