Author: admin
Azat Miftakhov
Date of incident: 25 August 2023 Type of violation: a criminal case on justification of terrorism was initiated Institution: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Summary: A criminal case was opened against mathematician Azat Miftakhov, who in 2021 was sentenced to six years in a penal colony on charges of breaking a…
The Relic Radiation of Mathematics
How Russian mathematics lost to the war. Is there any chance, in the conditions of external isolation, to preserve a living system of mathematical knowledge in Russia through international solidarity, personal connections, and secret online teaching?
Opinion of Russian scientists following the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army
Patrick Lemair, a French developmental biologist, performed an online query survey among russian scientists, concerning the situation with scientific contacts after the invasion into Ukraine. The online anonymous survey was conducted between March 13th and March 16th.
Öppet brev från ryska forskare och vetenskapsjournalister i protest mot kriget i Ukraina
Vi är ryska forskare och vetenskapsjournalister och vi protesterar med kraft mot den krigföring som vårt lands väpnade styrkor har inlett på Ukrainas territorium. Detta är ett ödesdigert steg som kommer att kräva en väldig mängd mänskliga offer och som angriper det etablerade internationella säkerhetssystemets grundvalar. Skulden för att ett nytt krig nu drabbar Europa…
Open letter of Russian scientists and science journalists against the war with Ukraine
We, the undersigned Russian scientists and science journalists, declare our strong opposition to the Russian hostilities launched against the Ukrainian people. These hostilities are incurring huge human losses and undermines the foundations of the established system of international security. The responsibility for unleashing a new war in Europe lies entirely with Russia.
La carta abierta de varios cientos científicos y periodistas científicos rusos
Nuestra decidida protesta contra las acciones militares lanzadas por las fuerzas armadas de nuestro país en el territorio de Ucrania. Este paso fatal conduce a una enorme pérdida de vidas y socava los cimientos del sistema existente de seguridad internacional. La responsabilidad de desatar una nueva guerra en Europa recae enteramente en Rusia.
Nous exigeons l’arrêt immédiat de tous les actes de guerre dirigés contre l’Ukraine
Nous, chercheurs et journalistes scientifiques russes, exprimons ici notre protestation énergique contre les actes de guerre lancés par les forces armées de notre pays sur le territoire de l’Ukraine. Cette décision fatale causera la mort d’un très grand nombre de gens. Elle sape les fondements du système de sécurité collective. La responsabilité du déclenchement de…