
The full-fledged work of the YouTube video service in Russia is gradually ceasing. What do scientists, leading million-viewer channels, and bloggers who popularize science think about this? Astrophysicists Sergey Popov, Vladimir Surdin, historian Mikhail Rodin, popularizers of science Vlad Goncharuk, Evgenia Timonova and Vitaly Egorov answer.
The twelfth essay in the series "Creators" is dedicated to Pavel Semyonovich Galtsov, an outstanding marine biologist who changed the entire oyster industry in America and became the founder of mollusc biology. Together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association) T-invariant continues publishing a series of biographical essays "Creators" about people from the Russian Empire who made a significant contribution to world science and technology, about those to whom we owe our new reality.
Within the project “Creators” T-invariant together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association) continues to publish a series of biographical essays about people from Russian Empire, who made a significant contribution to world science and technology. Alexander Petrunkevitch was born in the Chernigov Governorate, but most of his life he worked at Yale University. He became especially famous for his research on arachnids.