
In the spring of 2022, major publishers of scientific periodicals stopped collaborating with Russian organizations. In response, the Russian authorities initiated a “white list” of publications in which publication would be the basis for grant reporting. About 500 journals recently disappeared from the list - and returned with a recommendation to refrain from paying for open access in journals of the publishing house Elsevier, which announced that payments would be sent to support Ukraine. Scientists who do not follow this advice risk facing criminal charges article about treason.
Censorship has actually returned to Russian book publishing, and the state’s special attention today is connected with LGBT issues. Some books are withdrawn from sale, others are removed from the school curriculum, and others are published with pages painted over. In an interview with T-invariant, cultural historian, candidate of philological sciences Mikhail Edelshtein explained what these measures are connected with, how the current situation differs from military censorship of the last century, and what role “offended graphomaniacs” play in all this.