Category: Chronicles of persecution of scientists
Denis Skopin
Date of incident: 10/26/2022 Type of violation: Dismissal Institution: Saint Petersburg State University Summary: On October 26, 2022, Denis Skopin, a professor at Saint Petersburg State University (SPbGU), was fired after protesting against the mobilization of men liable for military service in Russia. Sources: RFERL Bumaga
Olga Lizunkova
Date of incident: October 5, 2022 Type of violation: dismissal Institution: branch of the Institute of Transport, Service and Tourism in the village of Vorotynets, Nizhny Novgorod Region Summary: Olga Lizunkova taught English and German in the Nizhny Novgorod region. On September 22, 2022, after a couple, one of the students wrote a denunciation of…
Olga Nazarenko
Date of incident: September 21, 2022 Types of violation: dismissal, criminal case for “discrediting the Russian army”. Institution: Ivanovo Medical Academy. Summary: February 26, 2022 Olga Nazarenko, PhD in Medicine, was detained in Ivanovo along with other activists. On February 27, Olga held a solo picket, but 30 minutes later she was detained by the…
Dmitry Ivanov
June 2, 2022 Type of violation:arrest, sentence to 8 and a half years in prison Institution:M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Summary:On June 2, 2022, Dmitry Ivanov was accused of “dissemination of defamatory information about the Russian military based on political hatred”, says “Protest Moscow State University” telegram channel. On March 7, 2023, Dmitry Ivanov was…
Nail Fatkullin
Date of incident: May 27, 2022 Type of violation: dismissal, fine Institution: Kazan Federal University Summary: The Academic Council of Kazan Federal University (KFU) did not renew the contract with Professor Nail Fatkullin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. In early May 2022, he circulated among his colleagues an open letter demanding an end to…
Andrey Boyarshinov
Date of incident: March 17, 2022. Type of violation: arrest. Institution: Kazan Federal University. Summary: Kazan activists have not received approval for a mass picket in support of Andrey Boyarshinov, who has been in jail for over a year. The Executive Committee of Kazan did not approve the purpose of the action, considering it ambiguous…
Öppet brev från ryska forskare och vetenskapsjournalister i protest mot kriget i Ukraina
Vi är ryska forskare och vetenskapsjournalister och vi protesterar med kraft mot den krigföring som vårt lands väpnade styrkor har inlett på Ukrainas territorium. Detta är ett ödesdigert steg som kommer att kräva en väldig mängd mänskliga offer och som angriper det etablerade internationella säkerhetssystemets grundvalar. Skulden för att ett nytt krig nu drabbar Europa…
La carta abierta de varios cientos científicos y periodistas científicos rusos
Nuestra decidida protesta contra las acciones militares lanzadas por las fuerzas armadas de nuestro país en el territorio de Ucrania. Este paso fatal conduce a una enorme pérdida de vidas y socava los cimientos del sistema existente de seguridad internacional. La responsabilidad de desatar una nueva guerra en Europa recae enteramente en Rusia.
Nous exigeons l’arrêt immédiat de tous les actes de guerre dirigés contre l’Ukraine
Nous, chercheurs et journalistes scientifiques russes, exprimons ici notre protestation énergique contre les actes de guerre lancés par les forces armées de notre pays sur le territoire de l’Ukraine. Cette décision fatale causera la mort d’un très grand nombre de gens. Elle sape les fondements du système de sécurité collective. La responsabilité du déclenchement de…
Valery Golubkin
April 12, 2021 Type of violation:Sentence to 12 years in a maximum security prison on charges of treason Institution:The Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Summary:The case against Valery Golubkin was opened on April 12, 2021, on the same day he was arrested and sent to the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center. Physicist,…
Alexander Lukanin
Date of incident: September 30, 2020 Type of violationя: arrest, sentence to 7.5 years in a maximum security prison Institution: Tomsk State University Summary: On September 30, 2020, 64-year-old scientist Alexander Lukanin was detained on suspicion of transferring certain technologies to China. On October 20, 2022, the Tomsk Regional Court found physicist Alexander Lukanin guilty…
Alexey Vorobyov
February 15, 2019 Type of violation:arrest, sentence to 20 years in a maximum security prison Institution:Moscow Aviation Institute Summary:On February 15, 2019, Alexey Vorobyov was arrested by the Meshchansky Court of Moscow at the request of the FSB. On April 23, 2021, he was sentenced to 20 years in a maximum security prison for treason.…